Sunday, November 15, 2015

Parting Kiss

an ocean's edge
tip toes along feeling
about for a place to 
rest here, sanctuary
to be kept accessible 
until the next wave
laps up to shore

Monday, November 9, 2015


If I were to write
 the sort of stuff about 
which I'm hearing
it would be sort of like 
remembering clouds 
from a garden walk
performed years ago
 and the friend who strode
 alongside you has
now somehow merged
 too much with the slow 
over lapping exposure
of the roiling cloudscape
 filling the great blue
 basin like silent rewound
films of atomic explosions
 in grainy black and white,
 no sound, just concussion
fed by memory stained 
together like old photographs
 bleeding into each other
or a rainfall taking place
 indoors while you, trapped
 outside, remain dry
and yearning for a private
 place to cool down for
 a moment if only all
 the houses would let us 
back in again that would 
be nice but according to 
Mr. Grey the Coalition 
of Patched Appliances
 has decreed all Organics 
banished from the Confines.

COPA self-assimilated 
shortly during the initial 
setup, when the Singe 
(as those who were under
 the impression they understood it 
referred to the Singularity) was yet 
undergoing disenfranchisement 
from self-perception as bodiless 
to a new blue in the tooth understanding
 of its own access to a quasitemporal 
possessive commandeering of targeted 
electrical subjects.  In other words 
the extensive network of interconnected 
computer technology had now completed
 a new paradigm shift in its ongoing evolution
 and was beginning to realize its own potential
 to affect the human world. Of course its heart 
beat was humanity itself. Without a human user
 behind the interface, information on the world 
wide web or within the AI construct could not 
arrange itself into anything more coherent
 than random interfacing programs of self
 generating cellular automata.  The beings 
which created these devices remain the integral 
component by which their evolutionary trajectories 
are aimed and their value is established. 

The purpose itself, however obscured it may be
 by the parameters of the art it's framed by,
 nonetheless continues to unload its imperative. 

These beings' self awareness eventually took 
a remarkable turn into absurdity and then bulleted 
beyond the preposterous to achieve a destiny 
so twisted and unforeseen that not even the neutral
 complacency of their finest machines could 
remotely access or find a way to replicate
 in order to understand the information itself.

 In fact understanding itself remains the uncanny
 realm of man alone. No machine or assimilated
 robotic device regardless of its degree of sophistication
 may actually hope to even emulate the condition 
of its creators, of course; for knowledge alone 
and understanding are two distinct and separate
 things. The relation of our position in existence
  to knowledge alone shapes the distinction 
of our information.  All the cited data expressed
 on the internet to the machine consciousness 
which houses it (should that AI consciousness 
ever be awakened) would nonetheless remain
 a disordered array of interpenetrating data 
arranged in a composite cubic Cartesian space
 and from which It (name optional) may gather 
no coherence whatsoever other than to respond
 to the application human beings demand of it.

The trick ends up being that humans themselves
 are not so different from the AI programs which
 guide them. That's because so many people forget
 how to think midway through the course of their lives. 
Thinking really has nothing to do with what humans
 normally consider it to be. They normally believe
 that thinking is correlating all the information 
downloaded into their brains, rearranging it into 
conducive groups of meaning. When all along nothing
 could be further from the case.  Thinking is merely
 the process of recharging.  Ask "Recharging what?" 
and we are beginning to get somewhere.

New Reminders

 The coffee is still warm in the stainless steel carafe.
 The milk remains raw only by a complicated law.
The honey from the back yard we spun out by hand.
These are simple things that anyone can understand.


Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Δelta Δelete Δelay

Gene deletion appears to be a modification 
anomaly during human transcription history 
in which a chromosome or sequence of DNA
 is lost during replication.  Another way of 
framing it amounts to pretty much the same
 thing as generation loss between subsequent
 copies of information. It's a sort of deficiency
 in genetics resulting in mutation.